Our Region thrives because of the support of investors, elevators, an extensive startup support system, and established and prominent research hubs. Innovation in the Region is inclusive - it's happening across diverse sectors and includes social, cultural, sustainable and indigenous innovation.
The Edmonton Region is a place to challenge boundaries, unlock your potential, and achieve the unthinkable.
Edmonton Unlimited leverages, unites and promotes home-grown innovation as a gateway to solving the world’s most pressing problems. We harness the power of the private sector, ground-breaking academic research and purpose-driven investment to build a shared prosperity and open international markets. From sustainable climate solutions to public health and digital education, Edmonton is a leading global centre for inspiration, ingenuity and inclusion.
Innovation Masterminds (imYEG) is a pre-accelerator, designed to facilitate the launch of successful commercial ventures from academia.
NGEN Canada brings together advanced manufacturing and technology to drive digital transformation. It supports development advanced manufacturing capabilities, promote development, deployment and adoption of cutting-edge technologies and facilitate the pursuit of operational excellence for Canadian companies.
As an ecosystem of startups focused on growth, NABI offers a conduit for entrepreneurs to connect with Regional, provincial, national, and international ecosystems, as well as to other business support organizations. Early-stage businesses can utilize NABI’s programs and services to build a strong foundation in a low-risk, supportive, and growth-enabling environment.
Prairies Economic Development Canada (PrairiesCan) diversifies the economy across the Canadian Prairies. PrairiesCan leads in building a strong, competitive Canadian economy by supporting business, innovation and community economic development.
Rainforest Alberta is a movement of people working together to improve Alberta’s innovation ecosystem. Rainforest is about bringing people together and facilitating those serendipitous collisions between diverse groups of people.
Start Alberta provides a forum to share startup and investor content, press releases, investment deals, and events, promoting the Alberta ecosystem locally and beyond. Beyond providing a comprehensive list of tech deal flow in the province, the platform provides a critical forum for telling Alberta’s entrepreneurial success story and enticing investors both internal and external to Alberta to invest in what Alberta has to offer. Data partnerships developed through Start Alberta ensure startups gain international exposure.
Start Up Edmonton helps entreprenuers with mentorship, programs, and community events to support and transofmr their ideas into successful startup companies