Our Region thrives because of the support of investors, elevators, an extensive startup support system, and established and prominent research hubs. Innovation in the Region is inclusive - it's happening across diverse sectors and includes social, cultural, sustainable and indigenous innovation.
The Edmonton Region is a place to challenge boundaries, unlock your potential, and achieve the unthinkable.
This unique program is designed to help global entrepreneurs land and expand in the tech innovation ecosystem of the Edmonton-Calgary Corridor.
Alberta Catalyzer is a pre-accelerator program for Alberta startups. The program connects you to experts, resources and like-minded people to help catalyze your idea.
The Institute supports top researchers working on solutions to the serious scientific and socioeconomic challenges associated with prion diseases in animals and prion-like diseases in humans.
Alberta Petrochemicals Incentive Program is designed to enhance certainty and flexibility for investors and cut red tape to attract investment into Alberta’s petrochemicals sector. This program provides grants to companies to attract investment in new or expanded market-driven petrochemical facilities.
The ATB X Accelerator is an 8 week accelerator program for established Albertan businesses that provides coaching, financial advice and community.
The Business Link helps small Alberta businesses start and thrive. With a designated business specialist to help provide expertise and resources to start running your business in Alberta.
The Canada-Alberta Job Grant is designed to help businesses with costs associated with training present of future employees. The employer applies on behalf of their present or future employees for eligible training costs. Employers decide who gets training and what type of training may be needed for their employees.
The Capital City Pilots project will connect local entrepreneurs and innovations with City-owned assets. This collaboration is designed as a proving ground for entrepreneurs at all stages to test their ideas and provide valuable case studies for global expansion.