Executive Leadership Change at Edmonton Global

Published On
July 2, 2024

Effective July 5, 2024, Chris McLeod, Edmonton Global’s Vice President Global Marketing and Communications, will be leaving the organization. Chris was one of the first employees hired by Edmonton Global and has played a crucial role in shaping the organization and its mission, contributing significantly to its growth and success. In his first year, Chris crafted Edmonton Global’s purpose statement which resonated deeply with Edmonton Global’s board, shareholders, and team: “the purpose of Edmonton Global is to radically transform and grow the economy of the Edmonton Metropolitan Region.” For Chris, this was a daily call to action and a vision that he passionately shared, inspiring others to strive for excellence every day.

Chris led the building of Edmonton Global’s brand across the Region and on the global stage. His leadership and vision helped establish and grow the Canadian Hydrogen Convention and Carbon Capture Canada, the largest events of their kind in North America. He was instrumental in supporting the launch of the 5,000 Hydrogen Vehicle Challenge and played key roles in transformative projects like the Ben Stelter Centre for Proton Therapy and Neurosciences and API’s $200 million Canadian Critical Drug Initiative.

As a storyteller for the Edmonton Metro Region, Chris founded Forward/Slash to galvanize the Region around a shared community vision. He believed that with everyone aligned, the Edmonton Region’s story would be loud enough for the world to hear and would resonate globally.

“There is no place in the world with more potential and opportunity than the Edmonton Metropolitan Region,” said Chris McLeod. “We have what the world needs – solutions to feed, fuel, and heal global citizens. Collaboration is essential and at Edmonton Global, I’ve had the privilege of working with amazing people, organizations, and businesses. As I move on from the organization, I look forward to discovering new ways to collaborate and continue to impact this Region.”

Malcolm Bruce, Edmonton Global’s CEO, commented, “Chris had the ability to see the big picture, connect the dots, and mobilize not just our organization, but our partners as well. The Board and team at Edmonton Global have a lot of gratitude for the work he did to serve the Region.”

Chris and Malcolm both agree that it feels like the right time to move on, noting the significant accomplishments since Edmonton Global was founded. “Edmonton Global is in a great place, and I’ve done what I set out to do,” said Chris. “There’s a renewed commitment to Regional economic development, and I feel privileged to have been a part of that.”

About Edmonton Global:

The purpose of Edmonton Global is to radically transform and grow the economy of the Edmonton Metropolitan Region. We are a not-for-profit corporation founded by 14 municipalities that make up the Edmonton Metropolitan Region. Our focus is attracting foreign investment, helping Regional businesses export with the world, enhancing our Region’s global competitiveness, and bringing our Region together with a unified voice to attract the attention and interest of investors the world over. 

Contact Edmonton Global

Sherri Bouslama

Interim Lead, Global Marketing & Communications



Sherri Bouslama